Form checkboxes example
Checkbox with exclusive item
Allows an option to become exclusive, as follows:
- when the exclusive item is checked, all non-exclusive items are unchecked
- when a non-exclusive item is checked, the exclusive item is unchecked
This behaviour should be doubled by similar checks on the backend.
How it looks (preview)
How to call this example
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/checkboxes", {
name: "nationality-exclusive[]",
heading: "What kind of expertise can you offer?",
hint_text: "Select the types of support you can offer.",
items: [
label: "Medical",
value: "medical"
label: "Engineering",
value: "engineering"
label: "Other",
value: "other"
label: "I cannot offer expertise",
value: "no-expertise",
exclusive: true
} %>